Thursday 5 April 2012


One thing I never thought that I would NOT enjoy is property hunting! It is tiresome and tedious, especially on a tight budget and being as picky as I am!

I have been looking to move out from under the wings of my parents now for about 8 months, but sadly, to no avail. The problem is, I am reluctant to get my tropical greenhouse up and running for another year, whilst I'm still living at home, in case I do move in that time. Unfortunately, finding a property with a nice sized garden that is within both my geographical and price ranges is proving to be difficult!

Even when my search is extending further south into the country wastelands of Surrey and Kent, there seems to be little about that I can afford! I really hope to find somewhere soon, as I am itching to get planting, and get back into the usual spring habits of plant growing and pupae ordering. I have been viewing a lot more properties recently, so hopefully, it won't be too long before I find one that fulfils my needs.

I'd normally be sowing seeds of the favourite Pentas lanceolata as an additional nectar source, or perhaps some more Asclepias curassavica which also grows quickly, to flowering size within a year. Alas, my greenhouse and my propagator remain vacant for the time being... Hopefully I'll have something more to report by the time I write another blog entry!

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